What We Do
Globally, IRW has been addressing millions of poorest and most vulnerable people through responding to disasters and their impacts; promoting development and sustainable livelihoods; working in partnership with other civil society organisations across a variety of platforms to shape the development agenda and improve the impact and effectiveness of humanitarian action; and improving efficiency and effectiveness to provide lasting routes out of poverty, and empower vulnerable people to transform their lives and their communities.
Similarly, we have reached more than 5 million beneficiaries in Ethiopia through integrated development that includes Livelihoods, Education, Health and Nutrition,Water and Sanitation, and Child Welfare, as well as Emergency Relief & Disaster Preparedness programmes.
Food Security and Livelihood
Our livelihood and food security programme is designed to address the root causes of hunger/poverty by responding to emergencies and long-term development interventions that focus on tackling the problems of access, income and production.
The main objective is to improve access to food and income by improving livestock and crop production and productivity, micro-enterprise and skill development.
The programme includes: cash transfer, micro-enterprise development, livestock intervention like restocking, veterinary support, fodder provision for recovery purposes and fodder production for sustainability. We also focus on agricultural inputs like seeds and tools, irrigation facility development, skill and capacity development, value chain development to pull out the poor out of poverty 130,000 people have benefited on this project during the year 2018.
Seasonal Projects
Islamic Relief’s seasonal programs focus on four main categories: Ramadan, Qurbani, Eid Gifts, and Aqeeka and Adak. These programs aim to protect the lives and dignity of affected communities and provide nutritional relief to the poor and needy. Food packets and parcels suitable for the local diet are distributed to ensure the beneficiaries receive the necessary sustenance.
Beyond these seasonal projects, many recipients also benefit from Islamic Relief’s emergency responses, livelihood support projects, and orphan sponsorship interventions. These efforts complement Islamic Relief’s emergency and development efforts, contributing to the empowerment of local communities.
Qurbani 2018
Qurbani 2018
Aqeeqa and Adak
Aqeeqa and Adak projects
Eid ul Fitr Gifts
Eid ul Fitr Gifts project
Water and Livelihood
The challenges in the water sector are not only limited to availability, accessibility and quality but also include keeping the available water schemes operational and sustainable for long time. For these reasons IRE started intervening to mitigate these challenges through constructing and rehabilitating water schemes,expanding and improving water infrastructure, hygiene and sanitation, building the capacity of local communities and local government sector offices.
IRE has implemented the followings in water sector:Islamic Relief interventions in WASH include improving water infrastructure,provision of maintenance tools, establishment and training of community WASH committees, improvement of sanitation facilities and construction of dams and water supply systems.
In addition IRE uses an integration approach in its WASH sector which goes to the level to support communities’ livelihood through giving chances to irrigate farms,water for livestock with an aspiration to assist substantially pastoralist livelihoods and water supply and sanitation.
Health and Nutrition
Islamic Relief (IR) is committed to improve the health of children and women particularly for those who are poor and with limited access to health care. IR has been implementing Emergency Nutrition projects in 10 district of Somali Region with the fund from WFP and UNOCHA. The most vulnerable segments of the community (Under –five children, Pregnant and lactating women) has been reached and prioritized by the lifesaving Emergency Nutrition response. In year 2018 IR reached:
Integrated Child Welfare
Islamic Relief Ethiopia has been implementing an integrated child welfare programme since 2012 in the Addis Ababa City area, in three sub-cities and 30 districts. Vulnerable and orphaned children, destitute women and unemployed youth are the target groups. The programme has four major project components: Orphans sponsorship, Positive child development, livelihood and education.
Feedback Form
Our Strategic Focus Areas
Our Implementation Strategies
Food Security and Livelihood
Seasonal Projects
Water and Sanitation
Health and Nutrition
Integrated Child Welfare
© Islamic Relief Ethiopia