About us

Islamic Relief is a faith-based relief and development agency working to save and transform the lives of some of the world’s most vulnerable people. Established in 1984, we now work in over 45 countries assisting individuals, families and communities through emergency response and development projects that typically help over 10 million people each year.

Our vision

Inspired by our Islamic faith and guided by our values, we envisage a world where communities are empowered, social obligations are fulfilled, and people respond as one to the suffering of others.

Our mission

Exemplifying our Islamic values, we will mobilise resources, build partnerships and develop local capacity as we work to:

  • Enable communities to mitigate the effect of disasters, prepare for their occurrence and respond by providing relief, protection and recovery.
  • Promote integrated development and environmental custodianship with a focus on sustainable livelihoods.
  • Support the marginalised and vulnerable to voice their needs and address root causes of poverty.

Our values

We remain guided by the timeless values and teachings of the Qur’an and the prophetic example (Sunnah), most specifically:

  • Sincerity (Ikhlas) – In responding to poverty and suffering, our efforts are driven by sincerity to God and the need to fulfil our obligations to humanity.
  • Excellence (Ihsan) – Our actions in tackling poverty are marked by excellence in our operations and the conduct through which we help the deserving people we serve.
  • Compassion (Rahma) – We believe the protection and well-being of every life is of paramount importance and we shall join with other humanitarian actors to act as one in responding to suffering brought on by disasters, poverty and injustice.
  • Social Justice (Adl) – Our work is founded on enabling people and institutions to fulfil the rights of the poor and vulnerable. We work to empower the dispossessed towards realising their God-given human potential and develop their capabilities and resources.
  • Custodianship (Amana) – We uphold our duty of custodianship over Earth and its resources, and the trust people place in us as a humanitarian and development practitioner to be transparent and accountable.

Strategic focus areas

IR has set out three strategic focus areas to deliver its promises and fulfil its duties to mankind, and ultimately, to God.

Reducing the humanitarian impact of poverty and Natural Disasters

Under this strategic area, IR is addresses drought and conflict affected populations focusing on emergency and recovery programmes that include projects such as emergency WASH supply, Sanitation and Hygiene promotions; health and nutrition; Emergency animal health interventions; livelihood programmes (cash transfers and cash for work programmes) and education in emergencies.

Empowering local Communities to emerge from poverty and vulnerability

In this strategic area, we are focusing on the improvement of livelihoods, building of resilience communities, capacity building and addressing basic social services such as water development for pastoralist communities, children, urban youth and widowed women.

Mobilising people and funds to support our work

We are working with International and local humanitarian organisations to raise funds for our work and implement projects/programmes together with relevant government offices and communities at large.

Strategic implementations

IR has set out three strategic focus areas to deliver its promises and fulfil its duties to mankind, and ultimately, to God.

Direct Implementation

IR has been mainly involved in the implementation of the projects directly with the concerned stakeholders. This has given us the opportunity to know the community and we have gained considerable experience in the field of different development  interventions and emergency responses. We have also developed a good reputation among different stakeholders.

Working through Local Partners (by sub granting)

Islamic relief is working through local partners to reach disadvantaged community groups. We do this by partnering with other development actors especially in areas that are out of our geographic operational areas. Further, IR involves local partners in intervention areas whenever the situation demands their expertise and indigenous knowledge. IR intends to closely work with relevant government sector offices and would like to directly support the Women and Children Office to deal with issues of Gender Economic empowerment. It also works with local NGOs, and community-based organisations (CBOs).

Consortium Approach

IR has developed experience of working together with other similar humanitarian actors on consortium basis so as to address vast areas with more beneficiaries. This has facilitated access to funds locally and made use of diversified expertise by sharing of best practices. Further, this approach is a good strategy to win the interest of donor communities. Therefore, IR continues to work in consortiums that are beneficial to the organisation.

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Our Strategic Focus Areas

Our Implementation Strategies

Food Security and Livelihood

Seasonal Projects

Water and Sanitation

Health and Nutrition

Integrated Child Welfare




© Islamic Relief Ethiopia