
Direct Implementation

IR has been mainly involved in the implementation of the projects directly with the concerned stakeholders. This has given us the opportunity to know the community
and we have gained considerable experience in the field of different developmentĀ  interventions and emergency responses. We have also developed a good
reputation among different stakeholders.

Working through Local Partners (by sub granting)

Islamic relief is working through local partners to reach disadvantaged community
groups. We do this by partnering with other development actors especially in areas
that are out of our geographic operational areas.
Further, IR involves local partners in intervention areas whenever the situation
demands their expertise and indigenous knowledge. IR intends to closely work with
relevant government sector offices and would like to directly support the Women
and Children Office to deal with issues of Gender Economic empowerment. It also
works with local NGOs, and community-based organisations (CBOs).

Consortium Approach

IR has developed experience of working together with other similar humanitarian
actors on consortium basis so as to address vast areas with more beneficiaries. This
has facilitated access to funds locally and made use of diversified expertise by
sharing of best practices. Further, this approach is a good strategy to win the
interest of donor communities. Therefore, IR continues to work in consortiums that
are beneficial to the organisation.